Good news and bad news

A vacation wouldn't be the same without Mutt along for the ride. Who's Mutt? Stay tuned to Roamin' Gnomials for the answer to that and other fascinating questions that haven't even occurred to you yet.
A vacation wouldn’t be the same without Mutt along for the ride. Who’s Mutt? Stay tuned to Roamin’ Gnomials for the answer to that and other interesting questions that haven’t even occurred to you yet.

I’m back from a brief vacation, and the good news is that while I was gone, my readers were able to enjoy some very good content provided by Staff Artist and Mermaid Emeritus Morgaine du Mer, and also from Joe Hannan, a sardonic chap that I knew in a previous life.

The bad news is that since I’m now back on station, Roamin’ Gnomials’ regularly scheduled content will resume later this week.

If you missed the offerings by my friendly ghostwriters, I urge you to backtrack and read them before my inane ramblings again fill the blogosphere. Here are the links:

Mermaid adventure
Jilted bride

Many thanks to Joe and Morgaine du Mer for kindly filling in while I was gone. I needed a break, and the gods know my readers did, too!



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  1. Thanks for the opportunity, Glenn.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad you are back! The gnome paparazzi have been following me. No doubt there is quite a lot of fan mail for you to answer.

    Liked by 1 person

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