The A to Z Challenge and the big reveal

pairAll over the world, curtains are rising as bloggers reveal their themes for next month’s A to Z Challenge, and that’s also true here at Roamin’ Gnomials.

I’ve never participated before, so I wasn’t quite sure what to do. I batted around a few ideas, but kept coming back to my first thought, which was to write about the special people in my life whose names begin with the appropriate letter.

Right away, problems cropped up. In some cases, I know several people whose names begin with the same letter, and other instances where I don’t know a soul with a name beginning with the letter du jour, much less a special person.

Another thing I worried about was whether it would be possible to make my special people your special people, too. In other words, how will readers who don’t know me, my family or my friends, find anything interesting in reading about a bunch of strangers?

What to do? Well, if you’re sane, you start looking for another theme right away! But sanity has never been a hallmark at Roamin’ Gnomials, so despite the evident problems, I thought to myself, “Well, they do call it a challenge for a reason, so sure, bring it on!”

The way I figure, if I’m going to spend all this time writing alphabetical blog posts, then it should be something that’s worth the effort, and writing about the special people in my life is a project that’s worth my time. If I can somehow keep you reading about people you don’t even know, then maybe it’s because you’ll see things in my people that will make you think of your people, too.

Whoever we are and wherever we live, we have more similarities than differences, and if my words about my people move you to some day write about yours, then by god, I’ve done a good job!

In the final analysis, we are writers, not talkers, and writing takes time. With that in mind, maybe it’s not too soon to start the practice of leaving behind a few words to let people know just how much we appreciate them. In fact, in some cases, it could already be too late.

Of course no one is planning to stop writing anytime soon, but who can ever know about such things? Could be all any of us have left are 26 ticks of the clock — or 26 ticks of the A to Z Challenge. It’s why I decided it wasn’t too early to start.


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  1. Looking forward to seeing your peeps 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sure you’ll make it interesting. It might even be good.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. OK, I’ll play along. Being a nice guy, I’ll even read your posts without giving them the Evil Editor’s Eye.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Interesting theme! I like the idea of seeing things in your people that make us think about our people. Definitely be checking back in April!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is a wonderful theme and I can’t wait to start reading all about the special people in your life and what makes them special to you 🙂 All the best with the A to Z Challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Good luck with the challenge, I’m sure you will make your special peeps most interesting.
    Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

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  7. You don’t have to limit yourself to defining a letter with one word, I tend to expand (or bend, as the case may be), the letter prompt to fit what I want to post about that day. (I’m a 4 year veteran to this challenge).
    Popped by from the Theme Reveal – best of luck to you! (No. 115 on the list)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Very well written theme reveal and very thought provoking too. Who know if we have more than the 26 ticks of the A-Z challenge, indeed! Wish you a successful and enjoyable A-Z

    Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I like the idea of writing about a special people in your life. This seems like a creative blog to follow, and for me, I will probably learn something new since the only gnome I know of is David the Gnome from a cartoon many years ago. I used to get annoyed back in the day when my sister kept watching cartoons, and I remember telling her David the Gnome was cancelled, just so I could change the channel. Apparently twenty years later she told me this story I concocted really hurt her feelings because she really thought the show was not going to be on anymore. I sort of feel bad now for telling her that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s hilarious! Thanks for the nice words, but where creativity is concerned, it’s the gnomes who tell me what to write, and quite often it’s subjects that are not even about them! My gnome posts are together under a category heading so you can find them, but I hope you’ll enjoy some of the other material, too! Again, thanks so much, and if you see David, tell him I said Hi!


  10. Deborah Farrisi March 28, 2016 — 5:39 pm

    Cool. I know it will be well worth reading. Can’t wait.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This sounds wonderful! I look forward to reading about your special folk! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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